

Treći nemački kongres pčelinjih proizvoda i apiterapije, izložba i kurs

Pasau, 1-6. april 2005


Preliminarni program

1-6. april 2005. Hotel "Holidy Inn", Pasau, Nemačka

Kotizacija za Kongres (1-3. april) za uplatu posle 6. februara, za nečlanove Nemačkog apiterapeutskog udruženja. Sve cene u ovom prikazu su date za tu kategoriju učesnika.

3 dana - 80 evra

2 dana - 60 evra

1 dan - 40 evra

U cenu je uključen CD o kongresu i izložbi.

Cene za semiar posle kongresa (5-6 april) za grupe na engleskomi španskom - 180 evra, u šta je uključen i CD sa materijalom za kurs


Glavna tema kongresa je:

"Osobine pčelinjeg otrova i drugih pčelinjih proizvoda i njihova klinička primena"


Izvršni komitet kongresa

Predsednik:  Dr. med. Stefan Stangaciu

Koordinator:   Arno Bruder

Blagajnik:  Karin Schippan

Koordinator lekarske grupe za prirodno lečenje HP Karin BenzHP Bea Scharpf

Koordinator grupe za ishranu: Rosie Bort

Koordinator grupe za veterinarsku medicinu: Dr.vet. Anne Quade

Koordiantor za medije:  Arno Bruder,  Hermann Forster

Pčelarsku klub u Pasau Johann i Irene Schachtner


Pozvane pčelarske organizacije:

German Beekeeping Association / Deutscher Imkerbund (DIB)

Professional German Beekeeping Association / Deutscher Erwerbsimkerbund (DEIB)

Austrian Beekeeping Association / Österreichischer Imkerbund (ÖIB)

Professional Austrian Beekeeping Association / Österreichischer Erwerbsimkerbund (ÖEIB)

Swiss Beekeeping Association / Schweizerischer Imkerbund

Luxembourg Beekeeping Association / Luxemburgischer Imkerbund

South Tirol Beekeeping Association / Südtiroler Imkerbund


Naučni komitet:

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bengsch

Prof. Dr. Siegfried Ansorge

Dr.med. Stefan Stangaciu





Petak, 1. april

9.00-14.00 – Registracija učesnika

Petak popodne

14.00-14.30 Razgledanje izložbe

14.30-14.50 Otvaranje izložbe

15.00-16.10 Simpozijum o polenu

16.10-16.30 Pauza za kafu/čaj

16.30-19.00 Simpozijum o pčelinjim proizvodina

19.00-20.00 Večera

20.15-21.00 Veče folklora


Subota, 2. april

9.00-10.40 Simpozijum o medu

10.40-11.00 Pauza za kafu/čaj

11.00-13.00 Simpozijum o propolisu

13.00-14.00 Ručak

14.00-15.40 Simpozijum o matičnom mleču

15.40-16.00 Pauza za kafu/čaj

16.00-18.30 Praktične demonstracije iz apiterapije, pripreme proizvoda i praktična primena.

19.00-20.00 Večera


Nedelja 3. april

9.00-11.00 Simpozijum iz kliničke apiterapije

11.00-11.20 Pauza za kafu/čaj

11.20-11.50 Apiterapeutski pčelinjaci, kvalitet i zakonski uslovi za proizvodnju apietrapeutskih preparata i proizvoda

12.00-12.45 Oktugli sto

12.45-13.00 Zatvaranje kongresa

13.30-14.30 Ručak

15.00-17.00 Obilazak Dunava (opcionalno)



Praktičan intenzivni kurs apiterapije sa apiterapeutskom radionicom

4. april za grupu na engleskomjeziku

5-6. april za grupe na engleskom i špankom/francuskom

Trajanje: 9 sati

Glavna tema: Praktična primena apiterapije u prevenciji i tretmenu bolesti čoveka i životinja

Mesto: Hotel Holidaz Inn, Pasau

Cena kursa i radionice za grupu 5-6 aprila 180 evra.


Glavni koordinator kursa: Dr. Stefan Stangaciu,
Predsednik nemačkog udruženja apiterapeuta

E-mail: DrStangaciu@apitherapie.de ; drstangaciu@apitherapy.com





Važne adrese

Arno Bruder (Coordinator of Apitherapy Expo 2005)
Bezirk Oberbayern
Fachberatung für Imkerei
Prinzregentenstr. 14
80535 München
Tel: 089-2198-1060/1061
Fax: 089-2198-1059
E-mail:  arno.bruder@t-online.de

Karin Schippan, Congress Treasurer
Karl-Postl-Str. 14, 80937 München, Germany.
Tel.: + 49 - 89 - 2198 - 1060 (1061).
Fax: + 49 - 89 - 2198 - 05 - 1061.
E-mail: karin.schippan@bezirk-oberbayern.de


German Apitherapy Society's Bank account

Sparda-Bank München,
Zweigstelle Lehel, Triftstraße 4, 80538 München, Germany.
Tel. 089/212135-0.

BLZ: 700 905 00 . Kto. Nr. 3297780.
IBAN: DE20700905000003297780.
BIC (Swift-Code): GENODEF 1 S 04

Hotel Holiday Inn Passau
Patricia Apfelböck (Hotel's Congress Coordinator)

Bahnhofstrasse 24,
94032 Passau, Germany.
Phone: +49-851-59 00-523.
Fax: +49-851-59 00-514.
E-mail: holiday-inn.passau@t-online.de
Website: http://www.passau.holiday-inn.com/


1 prenoćište
€ 97,00
€ 82,00
2 prenoćišta
€ 92,00
€ 77,00
3 prenoćišta
€ 87,00
€ 72,00
4 i više prenoćišta
€ 82,00
€ 67,00



Iz poziva dr Stangaciu:
>  I would like to remind you that you can still get the early registration
>discount if you will register to our coming event in Germany before
>(latest!) February 6-th.
>  Details on our event, one of the major ones in 2005, can be seen on-line
>in www.apitherapie.de (for the moment in English and German).
>  Just as an info for all of you, we will have again the honor and pleasure
>to see in Passau many of the best experts in the world on bee products and
>Apitherapy. Here below are some of them (the list is still open!):
>Dr. Christopher Kim (Korea/USA) : the man that made already well over 5
>million injections with various bee venom solutions
>Michael Simics (Canada): the best known producer of bee venom injectable
>solutions and owner of a huge data base on bee venom
>Dr. Hirofumi Naito and his extraordinary team from Japan: the best
>specialists on Micro-Apipuncture
>Apitherapist Pedro Perez Gomez from Spain: the best bee sting practitioner
>we have in Europe
>Prof. Bengsch Eberhardt (fluent in English and French too): the best
>specialist in the world on Royal jelly.
>Prof. Siegfried Ansorge: one of the best specialists in the world on the
>study of propolis and its immunological related properties
>  a.s.o.
>   As the list of authors and speakers is still open, we hope to get also
>to our event many other famous specialists, like Mr. Patrice du Sert from
>France (specialist in collecting and processing fresh bee pollen), Reyah
>Carlson, vice-president of the American Apitherapy Society (Reyah, please
>confirm!), Prof. Siu-wan Ip from Taiwan and his team members and many, many
>other wonderful friends from our international Api-Family.
>   I hope the above information will be enough for you to start serioussly
>thinking on how to best plan your travel to Passau, one of the most
>beautiful cities in the world...
>   If you need any more info or tips on the best registration and
>accomodation methods, just send me an e-mail off the List at: